Singing Guide: The Weeknd feat. Lil Wayne

Singing Guide: The Weeknd feat. Lil Wayne

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like The Weeknd feat. Lil Wayne, you'll need to focus on several aspects of your singing technique. The Weeknd is known for his impressive vocal range, emotive performance, and unique sound. Meanwhile, Lil Wayne's raspy voice and confident delivery never fail to impress.

The first step to learning how to sing like The Weeknd feat. Lil Wayne is to analyze your own voice. You can take our vocal range test to determine your current range and the areas you need to improve.

The next step is to work on your breathing technique. Breathing is essential to singing, and breathing exercises can help you achieve proper posture, improve breath control, and maintain the correct pitch.

Once you've mastered breathing, it's time to work on your vocal registers and perfect your chest, head, and mixed voice. You can develop your voice registers by taking our pitch accuracy test and using our Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game to further develop your range and agility.

The Weeknd is also known for his use of falsetto, and you can work on your own falsetto by taking advantage of our Vocal Pitch Monitor to visualize your notes on a virtual piano.

Lil Wayne's unique vocal style is heavily influenced by his use of vocal distortion and growling. For those of you interested in incorporating these techniques into your singing style, we offer an exclusive vocal distortion & growling article that explains how to master these techniques safely.

To learn how to sing like The Weeknd, it's important to remember that he incorporates intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking into his performances. You can incorporate these same strategies into your own singing style by studying his songs and practicing his emotional delivery techniques.

Finally, The Weeknd feat. Lil Wayne's unique vocal style requires skill and dedication, and we recommend taking our educational singing course to develop the skills required to master their songs. By using our song-book to find songs matching your vocal range and difficulty level, you can develop your unique style and improve your singing ability.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.